Home / Return & Refund Policy
本公司所有貨品不設退貨及退款。 換貨程序: 如有換貨需要,請儘快聯繫本店。 在購買日起計算7天內,閣下必須保留收據、所有商品的吊牌,親臨門市或寄回門市(買家負責相關運費)進行換貨手續。 若不能換回同款貨品,閣下可選取本店同等價值或高於同等價值貨品,只須補付貨價差額。 請留意以下細則: - 貨品只能更換1次 - 特價、免費或以優惠券換購之貨品,不設退換 - 被更換之貨品必須簇新完整,未經使用、未經洗滌、未因穿著後造成損耗(例如殘留污跡、香水味、體味等) - 基於衛生理由,貼身物品例如內褲、襪、胸墊、毛巾等貨品,不設退換 - Vienna Fashion Sport 保留一切修訂條款及細則之權利,並且無需另行通知。如有任何爭議,Vienna Fashion Sport 將擁有最終決定權。 We do not accept refunds and returns. When making exchanges: - We only accept exchange within 7 working days - We suggest you exchanging the order at stores, otherwise you have to bear the delivery fee. - Receipt and product tags have to be presented - On sale, free or redeemed item is not accepted - Damaged, washed, stained or used item is not accepted - Due to hygiene concerns, we do not accept exchange for intimate wear or gear such as underwear, socks, bra pads, mat and towel - You can only exchange once for an order - the difference will not be refunded - Vienna Fashion Sport reserves the right for final decision