Play pleated skirt #AWSDSK141#

colour 顔色

size 尺碼



#AWSDSK141 格仔短裙 🇰🇷 🆕 Arrival ✈️✈️ Play Pleats skirt ✨ 熱賣中♥️ ​ Fabric info : - Elastane 15% + Polyester 8% Details ✨ : - 布料褶皺手感涼爽,腰部的彈力材質舒適穩固👍🏻 *尺碼表請參考商品圖片最後一頁 Size chart found in the last image ----------------------------------------------------- 運動服裝洗滌方法: - 30°C或以下冷水清洗 - 分深淺顏色清洗 - 可機洗,建議使用洗衣袋 - 不可浸泡 - 不可使用漂白或柔順劑 - 不可乾洗、熨燙或使用乾衣機 - Machine cold wash delicate within 30°C - Sort clothes according to color - Put into laundry bag - Do not immerse in water - Do not bleach or use fabric softener - Do not dry clean / iron / tumble dry 🇰🇷 Made in Korea 🇰🇷

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